A bit about myself
Hey there I’m Hridesh MG and welcome to my little space on the interwebs. I’m a sophomore student pursuing Computer Science Engineering at Amrita University. I’ve been meaning to make this blog for a while now but only got around to doing it recently.
I’m quite passionate about software development and actually I’m part of an open source club at my college called amFOSS. Tech is not all though, few of my other hobbies include tinkering with electronics, watching anime, playing video games, and pondering about life while gazing at the stars. That said, I’m always open to trying new things and I always like to refer to myself as a generalist, as the famous quote goes -
Jack of all trades, master of none, though often better than a master of one
What you can expect
There’s no point in hiding it, as you could probably tell from my hobbies, I’m a huge nerd and that is going to reflect on the type of content I write as well :)
Here are a few topics that you can expect to (hopefully) find on this blog soon -
- Technical blogs about stuff I’ve learned recently or things I find interesting.
- Reviews on Anime I’ve watched or Games I’ve played.
- Tutorials on random things that I feel deserve one.
- Sharing my experience on events I’ve attended/helped organize.
- Random jottings about life.